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Chương trình hợp tác

  1. National Ilan University (NIU, Taiwan)

NIU is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Taiwan. NIU accredited as Taiwan Top 26% Universities by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (WRWU) in 2016, Top 3 Teaching Excellence National Universities in Taiwan and Top 10 national university in Taiwan in terms of teaching contribution to patents and technology transfer. VITECH is proud to be a stragic partner of NIU in trainning, research and technology transfer collaboration.

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  1. Bstar Company

BStar Solutions is pioneering the Silicon Valley of Vietnam and Southeast Asia. The company provides solutions to transform clients’business concepts through the stages of prototype, minimum viable product (MVP), and production, targeting to be a global software development with business oriented focus. VITECH and Bstar signed a collaboration agreement on providing intensive program for students and training for engineers.

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